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In order to help you avoid bankruptcy and excessive debt, we have put together a few tips to help keep you on budget.

Only buy things when you can pay for them in cash

If you are constantly using your credit cards and lines of credit to make everyday purchases, you can quickly find yourself with more liabilities than assets, which will hurt your credit rating and can lead to more serious debt problems.

avoiding bankruptcy
Monitor your spending and weigh it against your income to see patterns in your spending habits

Keep track of your purchases

By using a monthly income and expense sheet, you can monitor your spending and weigh it against your income to see patterns in your spending habits. Use this budget monitoring spreadsheet to help you make wise purchases and avoid bankruptcy before it is too late.

Don’t spend more than you make

If you are spending more than you make it means one of two things. Either you are buying with credit, or you are using your savings. Spending more than you make is a fast way of getting into financial trouble and can lead to bankruptcy issues.

Pay your bills first

As soon as you get a paycheque, pay off the outstanding bills before spending money on anything else. If you buy miscellaneous things before you pay your bills, you may not have enough to cover the bills when you go to pay them. This can hurt your credit rating and lead to further financial issues in the future.

Call your service companies and ask for an updated plan

Sometimes outdated plans are much more expensive. Service companies such as cell phones, cable and internet, frequently update their plans and reduce the costs but do not notify you of these changes that may benefit you financially.

Sell off some assets you don’t need

Selling recreational homes, extra vehicles, jewelry or home furnishings would reduce the amount you owe and help to reduce your expenses that are directly attributable to the asset sold.

avoid declaring bankruptcy
Contact your credit card company to ask about a possible reduction of interest rates to avoid bankruptcy.

Contact credit card companies to reduce interest rates

Sometimes just a simple phone call to your credit card company will reduce the interest rate charged on your cards. Be sure to ask if there is any fee to reduce the rates.

Consolidate your debts

Many financial institutions offer debt consolidation loans. This is a single loan that is large enough to pay off most, if not all of your creditors, leaving you with a single outstanding loan. The interest rate on the loan would be less than credit card interest. Servicing one loan, as opposed to many loans is more convenient and easier to keep track of.

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