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Instructions for completing a Fillable PDF form below

Please review the following instructions for completing a fillable PDF form here on Adamson & Associates, inc.:

1. Do not complete the form online within your web browser; your data will NOT be saved. Please save it to your computer first, and then fill it out.

2. Use only the latest version of Adobe Reader to complete fillable PDF forms. Macintosh and Windows versions of the free Adobe Reader are available from Adobe at .

3. Before completing the document save the form (PDF format) to a location on your computer. (Example: Desktop or Documents).   Instructions: Right-click on the form and click “Save as”.  Save to your Desktop or Documents. Once you have saved the form to your computer, you are ready to complete the form.

4. Open the fillable form.  After you have completed the form, save a final version of the file to your computer.

5. When ready to send it back to Adamson and Associates, Inc., don’t forget to attach the fillable form.

SEND the Attached PDF to:  .

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